08. 04. 2022 - 29. 05. 2022

I think that dream, feeling, imagination are more real than physical reality. The exhibition of Vlado Eliáš proves us that reality is not a typical feature of the photographic medium, but rather that reality is only a photographic means of bringing the intangible world into reality.

The heat from the rising sun, or the cold from the setting moon, the evil look of a jellyfish or the cold touch of a snake. No, I really don't see a tripod, softbox, cable or spotlight (photographed objects) there. These are just objects of the everyday world of a photographer. This exhibition is an intuitive philosophical examination of the photographic medium, where illusion is truer than reality.

We are used to the fact that photography transforms three-dimensional reality into two-dimensional world. Does this mean that photography is an illusion? At the exhibition, it sometimes happens the other way around - the two-dimensional world turns into the three-dimensional - and so there is uncertainty as to whether photography is reality or the artificial world - an illusion. Is the artificial world an art? Or is art artificial? Czy jest sztuka sztuczna? Ist die Kunst Künstlich? Je umenie

The title of the exhibition  SILVER AND GOLD is reminiscent of frequently used colors and materials in the photographic medium, but it also has another meaning. An unobtrusive intervention in the Vojtech Löffler's memorial room refers to a word and graphic game in the title of the exhibition Silver and Gold / Old. The author of the photographs is living his golden age and unobtrusively exposes biographical information about his half-century existence in our illusory world.


Tomáš Agat Błoński - curator of the exhibition